Sunbathing and sunburn season is during summer months here, and any time of year in warmer climates and tropical vacation locations. I have very fair skin that burns very easily. My dermatologist tells me that it is best for
me to avoid the sun whenever I can. But when I do spend too much time in
the sun and get a very occasional burn, I shower to remove the excess Vitamin D from the skin. This helps you avoid the sick feeling that you can feel after too much time in the sun that some call sun poisoning. Then I apply the liquid from the inside of the leaf of an Aloe Vera plant. There is always an Aloe Vera Plant growing in a pot on my windowsill. When I don't want to use the leaves from the plant, I use Aloe Vera Juice or Aloe Vera Gel.
Below is a recipe for a Sunburn Spray that was in a recent newsletter written by a Patricia Adams, CH, NHC, BS, NE.
Any of the items in bold text can be purchased via this link, just type the item you are searching for in the search field. Please note that I receive a small compensation when you purchase through the link.
Sunburn and Burn Spray:
"I made a sunburn spray to take camping four years ago, and everything
responds to it - cuts, scrapes, burns, bites, stings or rash!
Fill a 2 oz. Spray Bottle with:
- Colloidal Silver (1/2 of the 2 oz. bottle)
- Nature's Fresh (1/3 of the 2 oz. bottle)
-1 T. Herbal Trim Skin Treatment
Leave enough room for:
-15 drops Tea Tree Oil
-20 drops Lavender
My nephew had a second degree burn from a camping lantern. We used
the spray 4 times at 20 minute intervals, and he was pain-free with no
Sunshine Health Facts:
How Much Time to Spend in the Sun to Get Vitamin D
found this to be interesting, in light of the fact that we are often
told to avoid the sun because of the risk of cancer. Also appreciated
seeing how much time is needed in the sun to get the required amount of
Vitamin D. I was happy to hear from my doctor that my blood showed
Vitamin D levels were good...she told me that this is RARE. I am not
sure, after a long winter, I can attribute that to the sun, but perhaps
to supplements taken during the winter months. Anyway, here's the
article, interesting:
A study by researchers at the University of California found that
solar ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation can significantly reduce the risk of
16 different types of cancer by naturally stimulating the production of
vitamin D in the skin. The study's authors are Cedric F. Garland, Dr.P.H.,
from the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine at the University
of California, San Diego, and William B. Grant, Ph.D., director of the
Sunlight, Nutrition and Health Research Center (SUNARC).
vitamin D status appears to be the single most important simple thing
people can do to reduce their risk of cancer, apart from avoiding
tobacco and moderation in the intake of alcohol," say Cedric Garland and
William Grant.
has been frequently reported that those who work outdoors have a
reduced risk of developing melanoma [Garland et al., 1990; Kennedy et
al., 2004]. The reasons appear to be twofold:
They develop a tan that blocks the penetration of ultraviolet radiation
so it can't produce the free radicals that can lead to melanoma.
2. They produce lots of vitamin D.
The researchers recommend that people get their vitamin D from exposure to natural sunlight. Fair-skinned people who live in sunny regions of the country can produce
about 1,500 IU of vitamin D in 20 minutes of exposure at noon if only
10 to 20 percent of their body is exposed -- such as chest, back and
arms. People should try to expose more of their skin surface for a
shorter amount of time, rather than stay in the sun longer with minimal
skin exposure, the study says. Darker-skinned people may need up to
four times as long to make the same amount of vitamin D as fair-skinned
study recommends wearing hats to avoid prolonged sun exposure on more
sensitive parts of the body, such as the face, and to keep moving when
in the sun. Garland and Grant caution fair-skinned people to avoid
over-exposure, since the skin produces sufficient vitamin D in just 20
minutes a day.
A new and gathering body of evidence seems to indicate that the benefits of sun light, in general, greatly outweigh the risks. So grab a bag of your favorite food, take a walk in the park, and make a little sunshine a part of each and every day.
What a Dermatologist Shared in a Lecture
I became concerned about a suspicious looking mole on my skin recently, so made an appointment with my dermatologist for my annual checkup since the time was near, and then went online to view some pictures of the various kinds of skin cancer.
I came upon a video that has a long lecture, I'll add it below if I can find it [which I could not at this update...will try again soon...perhaps it was taken down]. In it the dermatologist shared that we are more likely to get skin cancer if we are out in the sun occasionally and get blistering sunburns than we are if we spend regular time in the sun, getting tan gradually. Of course there are always exceptions, but this is a general rule.
You may also be interested in reading "A Burn Remedy You Can Eat"
Updated 11/7/18
Image Credit: Victor Habbick / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
I am glad this article was helpful. I will be editing it soon, it does need an updating.
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